Career Development

The Five Es of Career Development

The Center for Academic & Professional Performance (CAPP) is guided by the belief that career development is a process -- a dynamic, lifelong cycle that is influenced by many factors that serve as the philosophical foundation on which our office bases its career programs and services. Additionally, we believe in teaching students how to take ownership of their careers so that they can actively manage their careers over the course of their lives.

Students typically begin the career development cycle by evaluating themselves - engaging in a variety of self-discovery activities. The CAPP guides students to evaluate their strengths, values, interests, personality and skills through personal and career assessments. The more they know about themselves, the better able they are to select personally enriching and rewarding majors and career paths.

This phase includes exploring the world of work to determine what careers best fit unique characteristics. We help students gather occupational information so they can better choose a career path.

While a student may believe they have chosen the right career, the CAPP suggests that they explore their chosen career by getting experience. Internships are the perfect way to do this. We also offer assistance in obtaining internships, part-time and/or summer jobs to gain practical experience.

This phase includes learning about the job market, and how people get jobs in specific industries. We help students fine-tune resumes and cover letters, as well as develop interview skills and build personal brand, and learn how to conduct an effective job search.  Often students plan on continuing their education.  We also offer assistance in navigating the graduate school process.

Throughout the career development cycle, education is a critical factor. In order to remain employable or to advance professionally everyone needs to seek out educational opportunities and become a life long learner. Our office offers programs, workshops and services that teach the basics of career development that will help graduates throughout their lifetime.